by Kathy Becklin | Jan 20, 2012 | Culture, Wish List, Zero Waste
Help us finish the restoration of the Hawaiian Studies lo’i at Lokelani Intermediate that need soil and amendments. This area is used for cultural plant propagation and education. Estimated Cost $680 [donation-can goal_id=”grow-some-good”...
by Kirk Surry | Nov 8, 2011 | Culture, Food, Front Page Articles, Front Page Slider, Kihei Elementary School, Volunteers
[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157627939259555″] In celebration of the opening of Makahiki season this month, students from Mr. Little’s fourth grade class harvested the remaining taro (called kalo in Hawaiian). The kalo patch was planted...
by Kirk Surry | May 16, 2011 | Culture, Front Page Announcements, Growing, Kihei Elementary School, Zero Waste
When teaching life sciences and sustainability with students of any age, seed saving is an essential element that bridges the gap between a text book explanation and real life. As students experience the full cycle of a plant, from planting the seed to harvesting the...