About Us

Who We Are

Our History

Our program was created in 2008 under South Maui Sustainability’s School Garden Committee to support gardens created at Kihei Elementary, Lokelani Intermediate School, and Kamali’i Elementary. Members of South Maui Sustainability felt that working in schools was reaching our future generations to instill much-needed knowledge about sustainability, our environment, and nutrition. Since its inception, the program has expanded its outreach from one teacher at Kihei Elementary and three small raised beds to 11 schools and more than 4,000 students participating in outdoor learning programs every month.

In 2012, the group evolved its identity to better capture our mission and to better respond to requests for assistance with schools throughout Maui. Thus, “Grow Some Good” was born. Through countless partnerships with the County of Maui, Community Work Day, Maui School Garden Network, Kihei-Wailea Rotary Club, and other local organizations, Grow Some Good continues to expand its outreach to neighborhood schools and their surrounding communities. A special thanks to the support of our chef /restaurant sponsors who align with our values of providing fresh local food, increasing awareness of sustainability, and expanding Maui’s agriculture. With your continued support and assistance, we are able to plant new seeds of change every day in our gardens with inspired outdoor learning adventures and greater nutrition awareness for our Keiki.

Grow Some Good Timeline

2008 – Three garden beds set up at Kihei Elementary for a 2nd grade teacher.

2009 – Surveyed teachers at Kihei Elementary to find most wanted to participate. We received a County Grant and the principal allocated a large center of campus for the garden. We also put in beds at Lokelani.

2010 – Hired our first garden coordinator. This was made possible through donation pledges from our founding chef sponsors – Dan Fiske and Brian Etheredge.

2011 – Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie visits Kihei Elementary school garden. Started the Lokelani Terrace work.

2012 – Started garden at Kihei Charter Middle School and Kamali’i Elementary.

2013 – First fundraising event – Taste of School Gardens.

2014 – Started garden programs at Wailuku Elementary, Kahului Elementary, Baldwin High and West Side schools – Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary, Lahaina Intermediate, and Maui Preparatory Academy.

2015 – Started garden programs at Pomaikai Elementary and Pu’u Kukui Elementary. Brought on a Development Director. Became a 501(c)(3) organization. Hired employees including 4 garden coordinators, Operations Manager, Development Director and Executive Director.

2019 – Grow Some Good and Maui School Garden Network merges.

2020 – Introduced the Kumu Mea Kanu Kit project as a way to assist teachers, encourage continued garden education for keiki, and plant giveaways during pandemic lockdowns.

2022 – Phase I of the Maui Family YMCA community garden build out commences.

2023 – Mālama Māla, an island-wide garden workday, is launched, with 200 volunteers in attendance in February, 10 sites, and over 60 tasks/projects completed.

Our Mission

Grow Some Good cultivates a healthy community by strengthening local agriculture and improving access to nutritious, affordable food.

Our Vision

Grow Some Good envisions a food-secure community where everyone grows, shares and prepares healthy local food.

Grow Some Good…

Organization Documents & Financials

IRS Determination Letter

990 Form

2022 Grow Some Good Financials