Our Staff

Grow Some Good…

In Our Team

Scott Lacasse, Executive Director - </p>
<p>Executive Director Scott Lacasse joined Grow Some Good in 2019 as the Program Manager after seven years as a Garden Educator on Maui. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture and completed a Master of Science in Environmental Studies focused on Maui’s watersheds, food systems, and the communities that are dependent upon them. His vision is to apply these systemic principles to connect students to the land that supports them.</p>
<p>Casey Findtner, Development Director -<br />
Casey brings extensive and dynamic experience to her Development Director role, including leadership positions in business development, marketing, advertising, sales, operations, and project/product management. For 15+ years, her career spanned EdTech endeavors such as K-12 curriculum and teacher/testing support at CGP Education, leading history reference databases at ABC-CLIO,  and interactive eBooks and digital solutions for clients at Knowbly Learning Systems. Her journey also involved serving as a national account manager in the culinary industry, where she set sales records, showcased her talent for building partnerships, and sparked her love of cooking and baking with innovative and user-friendly kitchen tools.</p>
<p>More recently, Casey was a Marketing and Production Director, highlighting Maui’s natural beauty through visual storytelling. Her love for gardening and sustainability flourished during her tenure at the Maui Tropical Plantation and Mill House Maui restaurant while managing sales, events, mar-com, web dev, and social media for 6+ brands. Walking through the farms and orchards, and learning about native Hawaiian plants, inspired her to start a thriving lanai garden and reinforced the importance of sustainable local food practices in Hawai’i. Casey has long supported Maui's "Eat Local" movement, advocating for initiatives and farmers' markets that enable consumers to conveniently support many vendors and producers.</p>
<p>Casey is excited to blend her professional expertise with her passions to strengthen school and community garden programs, share knowledge that improves lives, and make an abundant, nourishing, and resourceful lifestyle accessible to all. She aims to connect with like-minded partners, cultivate sustainable local food systems, and inspire joy in gardening, cooking, and sharing. She looks forward to collaborating with individuals and organizations to expand GSG's impact and she welcomes all inquiries: Casey@GrowSomeGood.org
Ashley Moody, Program Manager - Ashley has been part of school gardens and nature education since 2010, working directly with youth in Colorado, California, and Hawai'i. Living in upcountry Kula, she stewards a community farm agro-forest called Fairyland Farm and Forest. She has worked at Kula Elementary as an Agricultural teacher as well as supported different schools and projects on Maui with Grow Some Good over the years. Recently graduating with a Master of Arts in Ecopsychology, she is excited to connect keiki and their families with garden plants, health, and a sense of place in the larger ecosystems. She believes that the health and well being of each person is tied to the land, food, and our relationships with one another. As Program Manager, she is passionate about creating experiential nature based programs that nurture a love of the earth that can support keiki in growing into farmers, scientists, environmentalists, and change makers supporting the health of this island and the greater planet. Will Sands, Farm Manager - Will has worked as a journalist, a commercial fisherman, for a Mid East think tank, and in the surf and mountain bike industries. One thread has run alongside each of these chapters: he has always been a farmer. Will got his start as a hand on a 1200-acre cattle ranch in Colorado’s San Juan Mountains, moving onto managing a horse breeding facility for the Wrangler Jeans family and then working in regenerative and therapeutic agriculture in Hawaii. He presently farms cacao on his own agroforestry property, Single Fin Farm, in Haiku. Will grew up on the Big Island and his extended family has called Maui home for more than 30 years. Over his last decade on Maui, he has been involved in farm-based programs and the development of educational farms with several agencies, including The Maui Farm and La’akea Farm. Will has created and implemented several successful therapeutic farming programs, where the focus is on regenerative agriculture, farm-based life-skills training, and providing farm-to-table meals for participant residents. Will has also worked extensively in non-profit management for several agencies on island, often serving as project manager for large capital projects and taking care of grant writing responsibilities before heading out prune the Ulu orchard and tend to the Kalo patch.

Board of Directors

Rosa McAllister, President

Lehn Huff, Vice President

Andrea Snow, Secretary

Cristina Schenk, Treasurer

Carissa Holley, Director

In addition to our own staff we support many garden coordinators, agriculture instructors and teachers who are growing food on their schools campus.