by Kirk Surry | Dec 15, 2013 | Growing, Kahului Elementary, School Gardens, Volunteer
A new edible classroom at Kahului Elementary School has sprouted from the passion, enthusiasm and collaboration of an awe-inspiring group of educators and volunteers. First grade teachers attended a recent school garden tour and turned their inspiration into action....
by Kirk Surry | May 11, 2013 | Culture, Education, Food, Growing, School Gardens
The harvest stage of a school garden provides an ideal setting to observe interdependence of producers and consumers: harvesting food in the garden vs. buying produce in a store or a restaurant. This is when Social Studies benchmarks can be supported in the garden...
by Kirk Surry | May 11, 2013 | Education, School Gardens
In the final months of school, garden lessons turn to a continuation of the life cycle with ‘Saving Our Seeds’ workshops at all grade levels. This exercise connects students to sustainable practices that preserve their favorite plants, ensure food security...
by Kirk Surry | Sep 11, 2012 | Culture, Front Page Articles, School Gardens, Volunteer, Zero Waste
Home Gardening Support Network, Maui School Garden Network, Community Work Day and Grow Some Good are pleased to announce a Youth Gardening Workshop to make school garden information and experiences more accessible to teachers, volunteers and others who work with...
by Kathy Becklin | Jul 2, 2012 | Culture, Education, Front Page Slider, School Gardens, Zero Waste
The following is a synopsis of seaweed lessons and materials used for YMCA classes (mixed ages). Goal: Give students a understanding of the value of seaweed and it’s importance in our Hawaiian economy and culture. Time: 30 minutes Basic Plan: 1) Gather students...