New life is sprouting up everywhere you look at Kihei Elementary School Garden. Over the past few weeks, more than 750 students and teachers planted cultural and nutrition themed gardens, pounded poi and launched scientific investigations, translating curriculum into real life outdoor learning experiences.
What’s growing on in the Food Jungle?
> Kalo (taro) & ‘Olena (turmeric) Patch – more than 140 new plants!
> Gardens of the World: Asia – including okra, squash, bok choy, lemon grass, winged beans, long beans, eggplant, bitter melon and soybeans.
> Gardens of the World: Latin America – Salsa Garden with all the ingredients to make the world’s best salsa!
> Green Bean Teepee Tunnel – Pick green beans from the sky in an edible teepee tunnel with several varieties of organic and heirloom green beans.
> Sweet Potato Mounds – 2nd grade project planting several varieties in two new sweet potato mounds.
> Carrot Patch – planted with short & sweet and red dragon varieties of carrots.
> Salad Bowl & Green Smoothie Gardens – a mix of delicious mesculin greens, kale and chard for salads and green smoothies!
> Pizza Garden – back by popular demand with all the ingredients to make veggie pizzas, this year’s Pizza Garden shaped like a peace sign.
… and more to come!