The individualʻs role in the conservation of natural resources Conservation is a set of practices that preserve, restore, and protect natural resources and ecosystems

THEME: Nature’s Design: Systems, Cycles, Patterns, Relationships, and Adaptations in the Garden System
STRAND: Best Conservation Practices

Key Concepts

Identify human activities that consume or pollute natural resources. Identify human activities that restore, preserve, and/or protect natural resources.

Identify and participate in local historical, cultural, and/or archaeological conservation practices.

Identify and participate in non-regional historical, and/or environmental conservation practices.


Identify plastic-bag pollution and its effect on birds, ecosystems, and marine life. Discuss Hawai’i as the first state to ban plastic bags. Pick up litter on campus.

Examine ahupua’a map. Discuss the use of ahupua’a names in everyday language. Connect use of ahupua’a names to conservation practice.
