Understand that discarded food is a valuable resource. Identify and apply practices that eliminate and/or redirect discarded food from landfill systems
THEME: Nourishment: Feeding Our Mind and Body with What It Needs to Stay Healthy and Flourish
STRAND: Food Justice & Security
Key Concepts
Define and describe landfills. Define and describe food waste.
Create a vermiculture system and utilize castings as fertilizer.
Incorporate garden snack discards into garden compost system. Layer with appropriate amounts of green/brown components.
Compare and contrast volume of food discards in a classroom versus a school-wide lunch program.
Examine a trashcan after lunch. Identify food waste (i.e., food waste audit).
Identify practices that produce food waste.
Identify local landfill systems.
Identify local wastewater systems.
Define and design a waste reclamation model for a variety of locations.
Generate and compare possible solutions to landfill waste
Create multi-media presentation to share findings.
Unit cubes of food waste.