Names and patterns for local and regional weather

THEME: A Sense of Place: Sustainable Living Is Rooted in a Deep Knowledge of Place and Self
STRAND: Weather and Seasons

Key Concepts

Assess natural weather events as they occur.

Interpret observations of weather and how it affects human behavior.

Recognize Hawaiian names, mo’olelo (stories) and oli (chants) for local weather patterns and phenomena.


Keep daily journal to record weather patterns. Graph or model these weather patterns.

Introduce and encourage quantitative and qualitative weather observations. Investigate weather patterns over time; compare and contrast to current patterns to create and interpret a graph used to make predictions and draw conclusions about local weather.

Research, discuss and analyze both oral and literal historical knowledge of the names and patterns for local weather unique to the schoolʻs ahupuaʻa and moku (place and district).

Hypothesize local weather patterns using traditional moʻolelo, oli, ‘olelo noʻeau (stories, chants, proverbs).

Construct and design signage in garden using ‘olelo noʻeau, traditional names and sayings for weather patterns.
