Slickr Flickr is a WordPress plugin that has TONS of options that allow you to post from multiple flickr accounts, display photos in different ways, select photos based on tags, sets or as a album. Here is the Slickr Flickr call to the same set as the previous post. You can include captions (from Flickr) and select by set or tags and have a gallery (default as shown), Galleria or slide show (see later). Also it allows you to specify any flickr user you want! You can even put a tiny photo gallery on your school’s page!
Flickr is a photo storage and sharing site. It is free for some amount of bandwidth each month. If you exceed that bandwidth (too many large photos!) you can upgrade for less than $30/year. These tools assume use of Flickr. You can also use programs like Picasa or upload limited photos directly to the site. But kids are so cute that you’ll have tons of photos so we recommend Flickr.
First I’ll leave off the square brackets [sqbr] to show you the “code” and then leave them in so you can see the result. API key shown is not a real key!
[sqbr] slickr-flickr id=”42776317@N03″ use-key=”y” api_key=”4cb00f193acb518cb00f193a761f409d7a” search=”sets” set=”72157625178339192″ thumbnail_size=”small” [sqbr]
[slickr-flickr id=”42776317@N03″ use-key=”y” api_key=”46a1d535cb518cb00f193a761f409d7a” search=”sets” set=”72157625178339192″ thumbnail_size=”small”]
I also suggest that you usually add a link back to the Flickr slideshow with all the photos in the set. Here’s the code for that
View the entire slideshow (xx photos) on Flickr!
The Slickr Flickr Attributes (Parameters) are as follows:
- id – the Flickr ID of the user – you can get this from
- group – set to ‘y’ if the Flickr Id belongs to a group rather than a user (default is n)
- use_key- set to ‘y’ to force the use of the API key (default is n) Since we will be using multiple flickr accounts, set to ‘y’
- api key – your Flickr API key – this allows you to fetch up to 50 rather than just 20 photos – but only when searching tagged photos, groups or favorites not for sets or friends. To find or create your Flickr API key, login into your Flickr account, under menu item YOU, select Your Apps. You’ll see the cryptic key or set one up.
- search – photos (default), groups, favorites, friends or sets
- tag – identifies what photos to display – (but is ignored where the search is for friends, groups or favorites)
- tagmode – set to ‘any’ for fetching photos with different tags – default is ‘all’
- set – number of the photoset – used when search=sets
- items – maximum number photos to display in the gallery or slideshow (default is 20)
- type – gallery, galleria or slideshow (default is gallery)
- captions – whether captions are on or off (default is off)
- delay – delay in seconds between each image in the slide show (default is 5)
- transition – slide transition time in seconds (only available in Slickr Flickr Pro edition)
- start – number of the starting slide in the slideshow or ‘random’ for a random start (default is 1) – only applies to the slideshow
- autoplay – on or off (default is on) – only applies to the galleria right now
- pause – on or off – default is off
- orientation – landscape or portrait (default is landscape)
- size – small, medium, m640, large or original (default is “medium” but only use “original” or “medium” for galleries and only use “large” if you actually have large photos on Flickr – over 1024 width typically)
- width – width of slideshow (only available in Slickr Flickr Pro edition)
- height – height of slideshow (only available in Slickr Flickr Pro edition)
- thumbnail_size – square (75x75px), thumbnail (100x75px), small (240x180px) – default is square
- thumbnail_scale – percentage scaling factor – default is 100 – recommend the range is between 50 and 100 to maintain image quality and performance
- photos_per_row – narrow the gallery to limit the number of photos per row – values would typically be in the range from 2 to 6
- align – center, left or right (default is left)
- border – show a border around the slideshow images – on or off (default off)
- descriptions – on or off (default off) – show the photo description underneath the caption
- flickr_link – on or off (default off) – make the caption a link back to the photo on Flickr
- link – send the user to another URL when they click on the slideshow
- attribution – line that can be used to credit the photographer above the slideshow or gallery
- sort – date, title, or description
- direction – ascending or descending – used when sorting photos
Here’s what the GALLERIA looks like.
[slickr-flickr id=”42776317@N03″ use-key=”y” api_key=”46a1d535cb518cb00f193a761f409d7a” search=”sets” set=”72157625178339192″ type=”galleria”]
And here is the slideshow!
[slickr-flickr id=”42776317@N03″ use-key=”y” api_key=”46a1d535cb518cb00f193a761f409d7a” search=”sets” set=”72157625178339192″ type=”slideshow”]
Here is a training video about an easy way to use Slickr Flickr
thanks for this post kathy